Category: Press release

OWFI pressures the legislators into a draft law against Trafficking of Women and Girls

After two years of fact-finding and months of lobbying over local and regional televisions, newspapers, websites and radios, OWFI’s activism receive the first results: the legislators have forwadrded a draft law against trafficking of women and girls. 

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2008 Gruber Women’s Rights Prize Press Release

Three Activists to Share 2008 Gruber International Women’s Rights Prize for Advancing Gender Equality July 8, 2008, New York, New York – The Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation today announced that it will award the 2008 Women’s Rights Prize to three courageous activists who, at great risk to their own safety, have led successful efforts …

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Yanar Mohammed Receives Human Rights Award

The Eleanor Roosevelt Global Women’s Rights award was presented to Yanar Mohammed, the president of OWFI in recognition of her endeavors in voicing Iraqi women and protecting their rights in the post-war Iraq.

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‘You can come upon women’s bodies anywhere’ “The Guardian”

Life was supposed to get better for women in Iraq after the ousting of Saddam. The reality has been rocketing rates of rape, murder, domestic violence and infant mortality, reports leading US writer Katha Pollitt. The video, originally posted on, a Kurdish website, was soon plastered all over the internet: a young girl in …

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A statement by organization of Women’s freedom in Iraq – abroad representative on International Women’s Day (8 March)

Make it a day to say No! To Islamic Sharia law in Iraq!  For secularism, equality and freedom! The Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq (OWFI) sends its greetings for this historic day to women activists all over the world. For centuries women have been struggling for their rights and for equality and liberation in …

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The elections in Iraq may be seen by some as a step forward, but the jury’s out on whether this is good news for women. London’s Green MEP, Jean Lambert has called for action to end the atrocities, and support women struggling to overcome oppression.

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The Islamists Attack against Freedom of Expression*

The Danish caricatures of Muhammad have created a cultural, political and economic crisis all over the world. This conflict cannot be understood within the context of a “clash of civilisations”. The Islamist offensive begun in the name of “defending Muslims’ beliefs” aims to silence everyone who wants to criticise or express his or her beliefs …

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Yanar Mohammed in the World Social Forum in Venzeuella

Caracas, January 25, 2006 – Sixth World Social Forum: Today, the activity organized by the Marcosur Feminist Articulation (AFM) entitled “From victims to resisting people. Your mouth is fundamental against fundamentalisms” was carried out before some 50 people – most of them women – who managed to overcome the vagueness of information within the Sixth …

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Houzan Mahmoud in media on the so called elections and the political situation in Iraq

Houzan Mahmoud is continuously been interviewed by various media outlets about her organisations opposition to the so called elections and the current political situation in Iraq, the women’s rights and violation of human rights in Iraq.  In her answer’s Houzan made sure to expose the current sham elections and its empty meaning politically in Iraq, …

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An Evening with Yanar Mohammed THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 7pm Schimmel Auditorium, Pace University On October 23, in a rare US appearance, internationally renowned Iraqi activist and fighter for women’s rights, Yanar Mohammed, will be offering a first-hand account of post-war conditions in Iraq, particularly as they relate to women.

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V-Day Hosts Iraqi activist Yanar Mohammed in U.S

November 16-18: “V-Day: Celebrating Vagina Warriors” V-Day Founder/Playwright Eve Ensler To Interview Ms. Mohammed in NYC. Academy Award winning Actor/Activist Jane Fonda And V-Day Executive Director Jerri Lynn Fields To Introduce The Evening V-Day is hosting Iraqi activist Yanar Mohammed of Organization Of Women’s Freedom In Iraq who can offer first hand report on the …

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Iraqi Women Under Siege Unemployment, Violence Rising

Fearing for the safety of conference participants, the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), canceled a planned symposium following the Aug. 19 bombing of UN headquarters in Baghdad that killed 22 people and injured 150 others.

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