Category: Activities

A Decade of Occupation for Iraqi Women.

A decade after the US invasion of Iraq, only one of the straw-man arguments for going to war remains standing: “We did it for democracy and women’s rights.” And yet we hear the same thing again and again from women in the shelters we operate throughout Iraq: “Why are we living in these violent times?”

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After 10 years of destruction and corruption in Iraq

Our only hope is in a cultural and political revolution: The International Women’s Day celebration this year coincides with the tenth anniversary of the tragic attack of the US war-machine on millions of unsuspecting Iraqi civilians, causing one of the biggest human crises of modern times, under the pretext of liberating Iraq and the women …

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Is International Women’s Day Still Worth Celebrating?

Women’s rights have come a long way since the first International Women’s Day in 1900. Talks of gender equality have come to dominate the agenda of politicians of all credos leaving many wondering if there is still a need for a feminist struggle – especially within Western democratic societies.

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Day 16/16 of Activism Against Gender Violence: Women Rights and War

“Growing up in such high level of political violence, state oppression, and degradation had left its impact on me of course… from a very early age I became very rebellious against imposed norms and restrictions.”

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An open letter

An open letter to: President of Kurdistan Regional Government, Iraq, Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government, Iraq, Kurdistan Regional Government and public opinion,

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Today is 14 March 2012: International Day of Action to Defend Blasphemers and Apostates

Here is more information on the day and contact details where you can send your protests: Countless individuals face threats, imprisonment, and execution because of their criticism of religion and religious authorities. Blasphemy and Apostasy laws as well as uncodified rules imposed by both state and non-state actors aim primarily to restrict thought and expression …

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14 March 2012: International Day of Action to Defend Blasphemers and Apostates

Countless individuals face threats, imprisonment, and execution because of their criticism of religion and religious authorities. Blasphemy and Apostasy laws as well as uncodified rules imposed by both state and non-state actors aim primarily to restrict thought and expression and limit the rights of Muslims, ex-Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

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Freedom, corruption and terror

Houzan Mahmoud born in Kurdistan-Iraq in 1973; she is a socialist campaigner, activist for women’s rights in Kurdistan, Iraq and Middle East. When you meet an extraordinary person, it can be in the most mundane of places. Our interview with Houzan Mahmoud, of the Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq (OWFI) and Socialist- Feminist activist, …

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Fighting for Gender Equality in Iraq

Yanar Mohammed says the U.S. invasion and occupation hurt women’s rights. As President Obama hailed the “extraordinary achievement” of U.S. troops withdrawing from Iraq in December, continuing protests against government repression and abysmal basic services undermined the narrative of a successful democratic transition.

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Building Feminist Resistance and Hope in Iraq

Whereas the world in 2011 has heard of the Arab Spring and the thousands who gathered in Tahrir Square in Cairo, very few have heard of the Day of Anger – 25 February.

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Iraqi Women’s Activist Rebuffs U.S. Claims of a Freer Iraq: “This Is Not a Democratic Country”

Yanar Mohammed, president of the Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq, joins us to discuss the impact of the nearly nine-year U.S. occupation, particularly on Iraqi women. “The Iraqi cities are now much more destroyed than they were, I would say, like five years ago,” Mohammed says. “In the same time, we have turned to …

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Iraqi voices: For women, freedoms under fire

When I first met Yanar Mohammed in 2003, she was holding a megaphone and leading a women’s rally in Baghdad’s Firdos Square, standing in the shadow of a pedestal where a statue of Saddam Hussein had stood until U.S. tanks dragged it to the ground a few weeks earlier.  With a head of uncovered dark …

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20 year old OWFI activist Aya Al Lamie Kidnapped from Tahrir Square and tortured

Although the numbers of demonstrators became much less in the Iraqi Tahrir square, Aya Al Lamie insisted to join the demonstrators every Friday of the last months. She insisted to put a woman’s face on the Tahrir demonstrations and cooperated with all the organized groups in the square.

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Iraqi Feminists Sexually Assaulted During Pro-Democracy Protests

In Baghdad’s Tahrir Square on Friday, four women participating in a pro-democracy demonstration were molested and beaten by government-sponsored protesters who swarmed the square. Those assaulted were a part of a 25-woman delegation from the Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq, the country’s leading women’s rights group, there to create a visible women’s presence in the …

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